palala club aprons.
I've mentioned my brother, Brandon, and his wife, Rachel, on here before about the work they are doing in South Africa and how impressed I was/am about it. One of their projects, The Apron Project, was created to ensure the future sustainability of the HIV/AIDS education and prevention project consisting of the Palala Clubs. I just think the project is a great idea and that the aprons and bags look pretty cool too. And their kind've a steal for only $15.
adidas Y-3 lookbook.
I like this new high-end line by Adidas and Y-3. I also just think it's cool how creative companies are getting with their catalogs and lookbooks these days.
Labels: fashion
casa dupli.
Yeah, I could live here. The Cool Hunter just did a little write up on Dupli Casa, a residence in Southwest Germany, near Marbach. Clean lines, plenty of natural light, hardwood floors and a pool.
Labels: architecture
the image is found.
Thanks to the heads up from my good friend, Kacia, I discovered The Image Is Found, a husband and wife photo team from Oceanside, California. They are super creative with their shoots and all of their images have such a happy and fun feel to them. Check out their blog too for their current life photos and updates.
Labels: photography
matt w. moore in chicago.
Matt W. Moore, one of my favorite designers/illustrators/artists is going to be having a solo show at Threadless Chicago this November. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited about it. Especially since Threadless is approximately a block from where I work.
vincent laforet.
Vincent Laforet has a way of making ordinary things look completely different than we normally see them. His areal photos are amazing and his editorial work is impressive and eye catching.
Labels: photography
guerilla marketing for Dexter.
HBO opened up a few fake newsstands in four cities to promote the airing of Dexter, Season 3. The newsstands are in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Los Angeles and are wrapped in blood red with mock up magazines, featuring Michael C. Hall as the cover story. Kind've an interesting idea. I like it though.
Labels: marketing